I don't get it, why did you mention Delphi if I use Freepascal in the post?
I can use only those IDE that are cross-platform in reality and absolutely free, not only on promo page from web site: Idea for Koltin, PyCharm for Python, VS Code for C++ and Lazarus for Freepascal. Because I have only Linux.
And of course I know difference between Delphi and Freepascal, that's why I wrote FREEPASCAL here. I didn't mention Delphi as the contest part.
What optimisations in the other languages does you mean? Please, tell me. So far, it’s just an accusation. I used two optimizations for the algorithm itself and took advantage of language syntax constructs. Nobody use Kotlin or Python as pure C or asm, because it prefer to take pure C or asm in this case.